Latest news and features
from URC Mersey
Feature: Talking Faith with Bible giveaway at Thomas Risley URC
Thomas Risley URC used the theme of Talking Faith to encourage people to take copies of the easy-to-read bibles provided by Synod, leading to huge demand, a successful giveaway and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Gospel message.
Christmas Across Mersey Synod: Week Three
A third week of wonderful Christmas activities connecting our churches to their communities.
Feature: Holy Habits at Christ Church URC Haydock - Putting Bible Group Study into Action
Christ Church URC Haydock’s Bible Study Group, Holy Habits, has been putting their studies into action through work with local schools and with the support of the local Amazon depot.
A Christmas Message from our Moderator, Revd Geoff Felton
Christmas wishes from Mersey Synod, as Revd Geoff Felton discusses Christmas songs, the Christmas Story of our Saviour, Jesus Christ and words of encouragement and faith.
Christmas Across Mersey Synod: Week Two
A second week of wonderful Christmas activities connecting our churches to their communities.
Christmas Feature: Engaging with the Children of Hunts Cross this Christmas
St Columba URC Hunts Cross have been strengthening their community links throughout the year, particularly with a local primary school, which has cumulated in three very exciting Christmas Christingle activities, using a Mersey Synod Mission Fund Grant .
Christmas Across Mersey Synod: Week One
A round up of wonderful Christmas activities connecting our churches to their communities.
Tips for a Greener Christmas
Richard Pearce, URC Mersey Green Apostle, offers easy eco Christmas Tips.
Churches Together in the Merseyside Region statement on COP28
A letter to the Prime Minister re COP28 was drawn up in consultation with the Churches Together in the Merseyside Region (CTMR) Social Justice Group. It was prepared by the Liverpool Archdiocesan Social Action Coordinator, Pablo Guidi and agreed by Archbishop Malcolm. This included a signature from The Reverend Geoff Felton, Moderator of the Mersey Synod of the United Reformed Church, who is also a CTMR President.
CORRYMEELA June 2024: An opportunity for spiritual memories and transformative work
Following the successful pilgrimage to Iona Abbey in May 2023, we are now booking another trip to stay full board in the Corrymeela Peace and Reconciliation Centre in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland. This is a perfect opportunity to make spiritual memories in a place known for providing safe and creative spaces for groups to engage in transformative work.
A Service of Farewell and Welcome: Macclesfield & Bollington URC
On Sunday 24th September, a special service was held at Macclesfield & Bollington URC to mark their move from the North Western Synod to the Mersey Synod.
Isle of Man marks special service for Revd Dawn Mather’s retirement
Revd Dawn Mather’s retirement from her post at the Isle of Man was marked by a special service at St Andrew's URC Douglas led by Revd Geoff Felton, Moderator of the Mersey Synod.
Community, Cake and Motorcycles meet at St Andrew's URC for Isle of Man TT 2023
St Andrew's URC in Douglas has been fuelling the crowds of the 2023 Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) with cake, sandwiches and a community welcome from the church.
The URC remembers the Revd Alan Gaunt, 1935-2023
The United Reformed Church (URC) is saddened to learn of the death of the Revd Alan Gaunt at the age of 88. Alan Gaunt was a URC minister and an internationally renowned hymn writer. Eighteen of his hymns are in Rejoice and Sing, a collection of hymns and songs for the URC which he helped to shape and edit. His hymns reached beyond the URC and many Christians sing and will sing his words.
Season of Creation 2023
The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.
The Table – A meeting place for the community at Chester Road URC, Ellesmere Port
Chester Road URC, Ellesmere Port, has opened a meeting place, "The Table" providing a warm safe hub for those in crisis and supplying free hot meals and snacks, puddings, cakes and refreshments. It also provides food parcels for those referred from the West Cheshire food bank. Additionally, the church offers a baby and toddler area and its vestry is available as a safe place with advice from citizens advice representative.
Revd Tim Meadows elected as Moderator of General Assembly 2024/25
“Walking with Jesus will often take you to some of the most unexpected places." Revd Timothy Meadows has been duly elected as Moderator of General Assembly 2024/25.
A Blooming Success: St John's Causeway Community Garden Gains Award as the URC celebrates 25 years of Community Project Awards
At its 2023 General Assembly, the URC celebrated 25 years of its Community Project Awards and Causeway Community Garden at St John’s URC was listed as one of the winners.
Eco Church Update
There are now 12 churches in the Mersey Synod area registered for the Eco Church awards. Seven of the churches have achieved a Bronze award and one a Silver award.