About us
About the URC Mersey Synod
The Mersey Synod of the United Reformed Church (URC) serves over 70 local churches across Merseyside, Cheshire and West Lancashire, the Isle of Man and the Wirral.
We are one of thirteen URC synods forming a family of Christians worshipping in the name of Jesus throughout 1500 UK churches.
What is a Synod?
The people are the synod - from staff members through to committees and the volunteers who assist and encourage churches in their mission by sharing stories, resources, ideas and people.
We aim to be a place where individual churches are mutually supportive of each other and thereby promote the work of making known Jesus Christ and the Gospel message.
In common with other Synods of the URC, Mersey Synod supports the maintenance and mission of local churches within our area. This includes acquisition of new church properties including manses and the disposal of redundant properties, the calling and training of ordained ministers and lay leaders and developing ecumenical relationships with other Christian churches. This is in addition to fostering and developing faith in individuals and churches.
Read more about our synod structures and team members over at Our People
Mersey works closely and actively with four other Synods: North Western, Yorkshire, Northern and Scotland.
What is the United Reformed Church?
The United Reformed Church (URC) was created in 1972 by the joining together of the Congregational Church in England and Wales, and the Presbyterian Church in England. The Re-formed Association of Churches of Christ joined with the URC in 1981 and in April 2000 the Congregational Church in Scotland united with us.