Committee Membership Vacancies
There is a vacancy for a member of Synod Executive. This role will start from the Synod meeting in October 2024, when the voting will take place. The term of commitment is for three years and Executive meet four times a year, twice in the evening and twice for a whole day (usually on a Saturday). This role which involves a commitment to attending the meetings; reading the relevant papers and contributing to the discussions. If you are nominating someone it is not essential to ask their permission to nominate them, as the Synod Clerk will contact them to ascertain their interest.
The deadline is Wednesday 31st July 2024.
Volunteer Candidating Secretary (who would be a member of the Ministries Committee)
The Candidating Secretary role involves looking after any candidates we have for Ministry training (Stipendiary and Non-Stipendiary). There is admin involved – making sure that the right paperwork is completed and submitted on time to the right Committee; and pastorally caring for the Student Ministers, in a low key way, before they start their training. You would also have to attend the Ministries Committee which is online, usually on a midweek morning, approximately every three months.
Secretary for the Ministries Committee
Secretary for Ministries Committee would involve liaising with the Convenor of that Committee, Revd Ruth Wilson. You would work with Ruth on writing the Agenda; sending the Agenda and papers out to members and so on. You would take minutes for the meeting and issue them. The frequency of meetings is every three months and are usually under 1.5 hours.
Guide: How to be a Committee Secretary
If you would like more information about the roles including full descriptions, then please contact Synod Clerk, Rita Griffiths on Tel: 07838103310 or email synodclerk@urcmerseysynod.org.uk