Latest news and features
from URC Mersey
Season of Creation 2024
The Season of Creation runs 1st September to 4th October every year. It is adopted ecumenically and internationally as a time to draw attention to the environment, and creation. Worship and prayer resources can be found here
URC Mersey Synod Eco Group and Eco Updates
Following the Mersey Synod meeting on 9th March, a Synod Eco Group has been formed to help churches fulfill our commitment of caring for God’s Creation and to exchange information and experiences on ‘green’ issues.
Talking Faith, Talking Creation: Mersey Synod Meeting looks at faith and the environment
Our theme at the March Synod Meeting, held at Trinity URC Wigan, was ‘Talking Faith, Talking Creation’ and we looked at how faith informs our approach and attitude to the environment. We also celebrated the news that URC Mersey Synod has achieved both the Bronze Eco Synod Award and the Bronze Eco Church Award Certificate.
2024 Eco-resolutions for Churches
Want to make 2024 a ‘greener’ year for your church? Here are 10 New Year eco-resolutions with links to further sources of information
Tips for a Greener Christmas
Richard Pearce, URC Mersey Green Apostle, offers easy eco Christmas Tips.
Eco Church Update
There are now 12 churches in the Mersey Synod area registered for the Eco Church awards. Seven of the churches have achieved a Bronze award and one a Silver award.