Christ Church United Reformed Church, Port Sunlight, Welcomes 15 New Members
Caption: Christ Church United Reformed Church in Port Sunlight on the Wirral, welcomed 15 new members
Christ Church United Reformed Church in Port Sunlight on the Wirral, welcomed 15 new members on Sunday 5th November.
Over the last few years, the congregation in Church Drive has welcomed many visitors into the church building on weekdays, including its Open Church events, and at Sunday morning worship.
Over time, a number of people have come along for Sunday worship and chosen to stay to become part of the church community.
Along with the growth of the church community, the choir has also increased from two member to 13 regular singers, a café has opened to complement the Open Church, and the church has been decorated with more than 3500 knitted poppies for its River of Poppies Remembrance installation
On Sunday 5th November, the church celebrated with a communion service, 15 new members being welcomed into the membership of the United Reformed Church .
Of the 15, two were baptised and then received into membership, four were received by affirmation of faith and nine by reaffirmation of faith. The new members included two retired URC ministers, a retired Anglican priest and six members of the choir.
Christ Church URC will also be welcoming a sixteenth new member in a couple of weeks.
During the service, Minister, the Revd Ian Smith, preached on Matthew 5 reminding the whole congregation that “…we are lights in the world, showing love to everyone we meet, so that Jesus’ light might bring love, peace and hope to the world.”
Church Secretary Samantha Hawkes said following the service: ”We are very blessed as a church.”