Mersey Synod Meeting October 2024: Churches gather from across the region
It was wonderful to have so many of us together from across our churches at the Mersey Synod Meeting. The theme of this Synod meeting was Living Faith, which is the start of the new Synod theme for the next two years.
Chris Scheuer from Allerton URC provided delicious soup, sandwiches and cakes for us with snack stations too.
Below are some highlights and key information from the event.
Please download the Book of Reports for the Synod Committee reports.
The briefing paper can be downloaded here
This briefing paper is an informal document, not the minutes, which highlights matters discussed at October Synod to help you report back to Elders’ and Church Meetings and should be used alongside the information in the Synod Book of Reports (SBR) and Resolutions (R) available from Synod Office.
This presentation explains Synod Staff and highlights upcoming events and training:
Staff Profiles, Events and Training PowerPoint
You can also see photos and videos from the day here on the URC Mersey Synod Facebook page
There is feedback from the meeting, what you enjoyed and what you want us to work on, here
At the meeting we asked: What is your highlight or joy from one of the Synod Committee reports?
Highlights included:
Being joyful for the Seacombe grant
The stories of churches using mission grants
Easy read bibles being a great resource for churches
Churches spending money on their buildings to enable more mission to happen
Synod supporting churches by giving them finance to do the above
There have been good education and training events in the last year and more people are embarking on and interested in Stepwise
Good that Mersey mentioned Legacies of Slavery and also what we can do about it, practical things
Youth Mental Health course was very good, and was for any age not just youth. Recommends that all do it.
Churches are doing lots of ‘stuff’ being missional. Not just with children and youth but in their communities too. To be celebrated.
Being Church (BC) discussions and ideas.
There has been better communications between churches and Synod
Charlotte Samson from Vicars Cross Chester with the Lundie Memorial Award
Steven Mitchell (CYDO) presented Charlotte Samson from Vicars Cross Chester with the Lundie Memorial Award at the Synod Meeting.
Marje Robinson, lay preacher at the church, said: "She is a fantastic member of our Vicars Cross Chester church family in so many different ways."
For more information about the Award please visit:
Anyone is allowed and encouraged to attend Synod meetings (but only members can vote).
Note that the date of the next Synod meeting is Saturday 8th March 2025 at Wilmslow United Reformed Church.