CORRYMEELA June 2024: Living in community and spiritual memories at a Synod retreat
St John’s URC Warrington’s Maggie Eldridge-Mrotzek and Rita Griffith, discuss living in community and spiritual memories at Corrymeela Peace and Reconciliation Centre in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland.
Further Information:
The retreat was a perfect opportunity to make spiritual memories in a place known for providing safe and creative spaces for groups to engage in transformative work. It involved living in community with meals and worship are shared with other groups.
There were two half day workshops led by Corrymeela leaders on Marginalisation; there was also daily worship; time for sight-seeing and time in the arts and crafts room and games room.
Photos of the retreat are below:
For further information about Synod retreats please contact Emma Howarth ,Training Officer, on or 07984335797
Further information about Corrymeela is here