Serpentine Road Family Church responds to ‘need by loving service’ with Synod Mission Fund Grant
Sometimes it is the simple changes that can make a difference to mission. This is proven through Serpentine Road Family Church’s use of a Synod Mission Fund Grant to purchase new tables and chairs. This assisted the Church in providing a comfortable and presentable offering for the many groups that use their facilities.
Rob Mitchell, Church Administrator, said:
“We have many groups using the church and have built up positive relationships, interacting with them as they come and go and by inviting them to any special services or events. We have the full range of uniformed groups – Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows and Brownie packs. We also have external prayer groups, a number of children's groups, craft groups, the Women’s Institute and others.
“The provision of funds to enable SRFC to purchase the new furniture is much appreciated and we guarantee that they will be used by the weekly groups and by the church at our post Sunday morning service Bible Study and cuppa sessions.”
The Tuesday Brownie pack doing some craft
The Age UK group (Reminder Finders) that is made up of those who are in the first stages of Alzheimer’s and Dementia (and a chaperone) and meet to read and keep up to date with the news, play games and have a chat and some lunch and finally
The Dementia Together group, who meet once a month to be serenaded in well-known songs from the 50s and 60s and have a nice singalong and a cup of tea.
Visit the Serpentine Family Church Facebook
What is the Synod Mission Fund?
Synod has two Mission Grant Schemes. The Large Grant Scheme enables churches to apply for project money up to £25,000 a year for things such as a Family Worker, Community Worker, AV equipment and so on.
The Small Grant Scheme enables churches to apply for project money from any small amount up to £2,500 a year, as many times in the year as they want. The Synod has set aside £75,000 a year in total for both schemes.
Although these funds are for mission and not building projects, the Resources Committee can be approached for help with financing building works such as windows, boilers etc.