Lundie Memorial Award for Malpas Community Church Member
Caption: Abby Mayers, aged 20, who attends Malpas Community Church in Cheshire
An active member of a Mersey church has gained a Lundie Memorial Award.
Abby Mayers, aged 20, who attends Malpas Community Church in Cheshire, was July’s winner.
Marie Lumb, Church Secretary, nominated Abby and described her as ‘an active member who is involved in all decision-making and works hard to make the church a welcoming place for all.”
Abby also volunteers at the church-run playgroup, Buzz About, and its rhyme time, Bumble Beats, two mornings a week. This experience cemented her plans to train as a teacher at university.
In her spare time, Abby taught herself to play the ukulele. She went on to utilise her new skills during worship, progressing from playing a song or two before the service to being a part of the full team. Abby also joins the ukulele worship group in visiting the care home next door to the church to entertain its residents.
“Surprised” was how Abby felt when told she had won the award.
When asked what advice she would give another young person considering being involved in the life of the church, Abby said: “Just do it, there are no requirements or experience needed, people my age are put off by it being old fashioned, but we are trying to make it more inclusive and for all ages.”
Each Lundie recipient receives £100 to use in the life of the church, Abby is considering splitting it between the purchase of some youth Bibles and some resources and activities for a community event the church is hoping to run later in the year.
The story was also covered on the URC website: Lundie Memorial Award Winners: July and August 2023 - United Reformed Church