
URC Mersey Synod should be a place where everyone flourishes in in their lives as a Christians together.

We believe that giving people the right tools and helping them on their way is something that we should all be doing. Stepwise is a journey that helps and encourages everyone in their daily walk with Jesus.

Why not find out more by contacting Emma and joining us on the journey?

What is it? A discipleship programme that helps you discover where God is working in your life & what to do about it.

Why Stepwise? Because it is modular, and you take one step at a time.

Who is it for? Anyone who wants to grow in their faith.

What’s involved? You meet in a group but there is also individual time for study.

How long does it take? Everyone starts with Faith Filled Life which takes around 3 months; then you choose any of the other modules: Faith Filled Community, Faith Fuelled Leadership, Faith Filled Worship or Faith Filled Confidence which each take about 12 months.

Stepwise learning fits around you and your lifestyle. It can be in-person, online or a mix of both.

You will have task and exercises to do but there is no assessment or exam! This is a development journey not a course. You will learn alongside others, growing, challenging and flourishing as you learn more about the work of God in your life.

Stepwise can lead to other things, for example becoming a Locally Recognised Worship Leader or a Local Church Leader but it can also be a fulfilling journey for you for the sake of it.

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