Latest news and features
from URC Mersey

Clare Coombes Clare Coombes


As we move our focus from Talking Faith to Living Faith, it’s a good idea for us to consider the direction of travel that we take. As we journey through Living Faith, this should not stop our desire to talk faith, as part of Living Faith is finding ways to ‘invite’ others to the life we have discovered.

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Clare Coombes Clare Coombes

Talking Faith event encourages Courage, Confidence & tackling Complicated Questions

Why do bad things happen to good people? Doesn’t religion just cause wars? How can we as Christians respond to these challenges the world is facing today? This event with Charlie Styles, CEO and Speaker, and Clare Williams, Associate Speaker, at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA), helped churches across the Synod to engage with the big questions of our life and faith.

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Clare Coombes Clare Coombes

New Talking Faith Event: Courage, Confidence & Complicated Questions

Why do bad things happen to good people? Doesn’t religion just cause wars? How can we as Christians respond to these challenges the world is facing today? This event with the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) will help us all to engage with the big questions of our life and faith.

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Clare Coombes Clare Coombes

Encouraging one another to Talk Faith

In Mersey Synod we’ve been trying to encourage one another to Talk Faith and be more courageous when it comes to responding to current day issues. Please see a letter from Revd Geoff Felton published in the March 2024 issue of Reform, outlining and explaining Mersey Synod’s Talking Faith initiative.

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