Lundie Memorial Award

Do you know a child or young person who is playing their part in the mission of God in their church, synod, local community or the wider world?

The Lundie Memorial Award is designed to highlight and celebrate such individuals who are using their God-given skills, time and talent to good effect. Each month for 100 months the Children's and Youth Work Committee are awarding a medal and certificate to one of the nominated children and young people, along with a financial award of £100 to be spent to benefit children and/or young people in the church, synod or local community, however the award winner chooses.

Please get in touch with Mersey Synod Children's and Youth Development Officer is Steven Mitchell to get the nomination forms. We will also be launching a new award for groups too. His role is to support, develop and celebrate the children’s and youth work of the Synod.  His contact details are: 

Tel: 07387 580834



Christian Aid Week 2023


Applications welcome for the Discipleship Development Fund Large Grant Group